Sunday, May 24

Sun Set Set of Art Pictures

The sunset light this evening drew me out with a few bowls under my arm and the camera.

This set of photos is of the same bowl.
Lots of fun seeing them like this!
One of them is very true to form/colour.
ie. not modified in photo shop
See if you can find it!
I will use a few of the uber-altered ones for my next adverts in print.

These three pictures are of a bowl called "Surfacing"In she goes ... down deep, reluctantly under.
Out she comes ... ExhaustedThis bowl is another story bowl.
This Woman is comfy perched on the edge.
Mostly because she has a good solid stack of
(yes, I said cookies)
on her side.
This bowl has really great soft and subtle colourings of greens, pinks and a bit of blue too.
The "frosting" is a frothy yet soft white that pleases me. I am happy to have this glaze down now...I think I do anyways
Now the "Copper Bamboo" is ready for framing.
Copper leaf and gold leaf with a touch of guilding worked out alright.
Gosh that filmy stuff is tough to work with.
But it is so pretty *caaw-caaw* says the crow.
note to self: find square
Aleeshi-ah... do you still have my square?

1 comment:

  1. Is it the second to last one that is the real light one?
    They are so darn beautiful, Mickey! I'm so glad you've made some successful pieces! yay!
