Saturday, October 4

Homemade Advertising Flyers

The count down begins this week.
The end of The Season-That-Shall-Remain-Un-Named is 11 weeks away.

On My Family front
I strive for Christmas to feel like all the things story books talk about.
I try to weave those fanciful ways in to our lives
in meaningful,
Here are some of those ways.

We usually have a branch of some sort
(not a whole tree)

I indulge our table with pretty Wintery things and specialty foods
(like Nutella)

I talk about Solstice Traditions and some of the things I grew up with
(all things Dutch)

As gifts arrive we open them
(to lessen the build up and sleeplessness of anticipation)

I read great children's stories to them and myself.
(I will list some of them for you later soon)

On the Work front
I schedule classes, shows, craft fairs, open studio and private invitation evenings in this next week.
The week after that would like to wrap up and put to rest any unfinished works and make the ready for showing and selling.
This year I am getting together with two other artists in my soon to be transformed Studio cum Gallery space!

I am excited.
I will be wielding my Betsy-Sue
(the name of my little blue staple gun)
to secure swaths of cloths
( gosh that is is a tongue twister huh?)

I have been asked to do classes by the school district for the home learners and a few folks privately ... hummm ... not too certain about that timing seeing as I want the Studio cum Gallery space for November 1st swaddeld in lovely "clothes" and ready to recieve all those special folks that will come to buy our art.
Yup Yup ! Must sit and schedual!

The Flyer is what I have come up with so far for advertising.
I like it.
The style seems to becoming my signature.
I have the same look for the Storyies that go with my story bowls.
Having an easyly identified look is clever. No?
This is the one style that is emerging.

Yup! Yup!

I like it!

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